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How is your smile holding up as you age? If you notice that your smile is suffering from oral health problems and issues as you continue to get older, you may need time to adjust your oral health care habits and look for new ways to progress your smile.

Aging and dental health complement each other because as you age, so too do your teeth. Because of this, you will need to have effective plans in place to make sure that any aging issues that you are suffering from are treated properly. To help ensure the success of your smile, eliminate bad habits in your life and look for newer and better ways to improve oral health care. If you struggle with traditional tools of the past, consider upgrading to more effective cleaning tools such as water flossers or electric toothbrushes, as they can be beneficial because they’re easier to operate. If you need additional help with oral hygiene, speak with your dentist about the use of a bi-annual professional cleaning.

If you ever notice any abnormalities or irregularities concerning your oral health, visit your dentist for repairs and restorations.

Geriatric oral health care may contain the dentistry services you need. For an oral checkup at James M Strang Junior DDS PLLC at our dentist office in Colorado Springs, Colorado, please schedule an appointment with Dr. James Strang and our team by calling our office at 719-598-0971.