When you are ready to improve your oral health, you will need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to prevent any problems that can arise in your mouth, which can include damage to your teeth and jaw from bruxism. When bruxism is occurs, damage to your teeth and other soft tissues will often be present.
Bruxism is associated with clenching your jaw as you sleep and slowly grinding and wearing away your teeth, which can easily cause chips and cracks. Furthermore, damage to your tooth enamel can lead to an increase in tooth sensitivity. Another common visual clue to bruxism is markings on your tongue. If you notice that your tongue has indentations when you awake, it could be due to bruxism. Furthermore, damage from biting down on your cheek linings unconsciously is a known symptom of bruxism.
Because bruxism is often associated with damage to your teeth and tooth enamel, you will need to visit your dentist for a professional treatment to help minimize the damage it can cause. Bite guards have proven to be beneficial for helping prevent further damage associated with bruxism.
Are you interested in treating bruxism in Colorado Springs, Colorado? If so, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with Dr. James Strang at our dental office by calling us at 719-598-0971. Our team looks forward to enhancing your smile with bruxism care. We look forward to keeping your oral health in pristine condition.